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The resource is the subject of the action you are performing. Out of the box only all is present. It's special and it will apply to all resources.

Extending the resources#

You can extend the resources easily by passing a tuple to GuardBuilder

import { GuardBuilder } from "@blitz-guard/core"
type ExtendedResourceTypes = "comment" | "article" | "users"
const Guard = GuardBuilder<ExtendedResourceTypes>(

Prisma users#

Prisma provides a type that contains the You simply need to import the Prisma named export from db and use Prisma.ModelName as part of your resource types.

import db, { Prisma } from "db"
import { GuardBuilder } from "@blitz-guard/core"
type ExtendedResourceTypes = Prisma.ModelName
const Guard = GuardBuilder<ExtendedResourceTypes>(